Welcome to the LightBearer’s Recommended News Sources page. Here you will find some of the many sources the different LightBearers utilise to fulfil our lives with greater truth and awareness. This is not to say these sources cannot make mistakes or need to be questioned, however they are a strong diverse collection of truth in the modern times.
Each link includes a brief snippet for each source describing it’s self. Please check out some of these sources and let us know what you think.
IntoTheLight.news is a great news source with a variety of authors covering a variety of fields stretching out from spirituality into human lives in ever direction. https://intothelight.news/
TheEpochTimes.com Truth and tradition in media, denouncing the Chinese and globalist agendas. A for the people media source.
https://www.humanitysteam.org/ Where You’ll Always Feel At Home As You Consciously Evolve Into Your Highest Self
TheHighWire with Del Bigtree https://thehighwire.com/ this is a wonderful source for medical news.
https://www.soundstrue.com/ Walking Together Free Resources for Healing Racism & Creating a More Compassionate World
Druthers.net In a world where censorship is running rampant with the big tech giants and mainstream media is pushing nothing but fear and misinformation, we created a newspaper & website to share the important news & information that is being suppressed through traditional channels.
Infowars.com with Alex Jones is a different source of main stream news which takes a very aggressive standpoint against corruption and political matters.
Doc of Detox Dr Darrel Wolfe empowering people and practitioners docofdetox.com , Dr. Darrell Wolfe Ac. PhD. DNM. DHS. has 40 years of experience in natural medicine as a medical intuitive and is known as the ‘Doc of Detox’. He is a Doctor of Natural Medicine (DNM) and Doctor of Humanitarian Services (DHS), certified with the Board of Integrative Medicine*.
True North News seeks to provide Canadians with fair, accurate, truthful and fact-based news reports, analysis, investigative reports, podcasts, interviews and documentaries. True North journalists are professional, independent and credentialed members of the Independent Press Gallery of Canada. All True North journalists must pledge to respect and uphold the Principles of Conduct laid out in the International Federation of Journalists’ Bordeaux Declaration.
zetatalk.com is a an alternative news source that follows Nancy Lieder through an over 20 year journey of her talking to little grey aliens and raising concern about astrological, geological, spiritual and political changes for the human race.
http://aware-simcoe.ca/ AWARE News Network The AWARE Simcoe board of directors has adopted the following statement: AWARE Simcoe recognizes that the injustices experienced by people of colour in our communities are a result of white privilege and are a legacy of North America’s history of colonialism and slavery.
Our organization began as an alliance with Indigenous activists based on our shared respect for water. That working relationship continues to this day and informs and enriches AWARE’s Vision.
Thank you for considering some of the news source we at the LightBearers Association of Canada utilse in our daily or weekly lives. Each source is beyond our control in the past, present or future, so not all content or beliefs are shared or liable by the LightBearer’s Association of Canada.